SVGH St. Vincent DEXA fails to send studies

Creation date: 10/16/2024 4:20 PM    Updated: 10/16/2024 4:31 PM
Instruct the RadTech to: 
From the DICOM Application (not from the Prodigy Application) Clear the queue from FILE>"Delete All Studies in Queue"
And FILE>Exit the DICOM App. 
Repeat this if the App was inadvertently opened more than once.

Restarting the Workstation does not clear the Queue and does not restart the DICOM Send if a study was stuck. 

Have them resend the appropriate study parts from Prodigy.
They will show in the DICOM application list as Sent. If the study in question is not in that Queue list, it has not even attempted to send to CIA. 
Verify Intelerad has received the studies under SVGH and Study Description contains "DEXA"

If they trigger the test study in, you will find it under ORG: KCC,  Name: JANEWAY^CATHRINE